Recruitment Week
There are currently no recruitment events. Our recruiting events usually take place in September and January. Please check our Instagram @slgwaterloo, for updates on recruiting.
Recruitment is one of our favourite times of the term because it means we get to welcome new sisters to our sorority! During the recruitment process, you will meet and get to know the sisters of Sigma Lambda Gamma and it is also the chance for the sisters to get to know you! Recruitment week takes place mid-September in the Fall term and mid-January in the Winter term.
Even if you are unsure if Greek life is right for you, Recruitment is a great way to meet new friends and learn more about sororities. Involvement in Greek sororities provides young women with a wide variety of opportunities to develop leadership skills, achieve academically, and increase involvement in the community through various service and philanthropy activities. Additionally, the aim of Greek membership is to create a "home away from home" by providing a support system found through meaningful and lifelong friendships within the sisterhood and the Greek community at large.
Nervous about recruitment? Don’t be! Here are some helpful tips as you go through the Recruitment process:
Be yourself
Keep an open mind
Get to know people
Ask questions
Have fun
On behalf of the sisters of Sigma Lambda Gamma, we cannot wait to meet you!
Click here to see information about our next Recruitment Period
Sigma Lambda Gamma recruits from the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, and Conestoga College.